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  • References

    References from previous clients are available on request only.  Please call 406-853-5714 for a list to contact about their hunting experience with Loyd Ketchum Outfitting. 

    Here are a few quotes from previous hunters about their hunting experiences.

    “I hunt 3 or 4 states each year.  This will be my ninth year with Loyd.  We always look forward to this trip.  The hunt is always great and the company is even better.”  Tom Stevenson, Katonah NY

    “Loyd Ketchum is an outstanding professional.  He will not disappoint you.”  Jonathan Blattmachr, Garden City NY

     “I have been hunting mule deer for over 50 years.  I have hunted in nearly all the western states.  I enjoy early morning starts, all day hunts, hunting with wildlife conservation in mind, great story creation and hanging out with good guys.  If you like what I like, you have found the best I have ever hunted with in Loyd Ketchum.”  John Bickford, Concord NC

    “I have hunted with Loyd Ketchum for over 18 years in a row now.  It is my absolute favorite hunt every year.  Loyd is the hardest working guide I know.  He is totally focused on helping each hunter have a successful hunt.  Loyd’s hunts in the Powder River and Yellowstone River areas offer some of the most spectacular mule deer habitat anywhere.  I plan to hunt mule deer every year with Loyd until I can no longer hunt.  David Allen, Billings MT